It’s been awhile…

I know most of you reading this have had some struggling times over the last few months. I realize that our economy has taken a fairly large hit and that it has directly impacted each and every one of you… myself included.

In a conversation with a good friend of mine I was reminded about how God really does have a plan.  And that He has some specific timings in mind with some of His biggest moves.  And most importantly, He has a specific plan for me (you too).

All of this being said we hold a very important key.   That key is called perspective.  While we are in an economic downturn it’s up to each one of us to find our own positive perspectives.  The truth is that none of us really see things exactly the same way.  The best truth is that THAT’S OKAY!!!  It’s actually by design.   But as I look at my own life, and you look at yours, are we looking at “time” as something we are frustrated with or something we are eager about?

Recently I realized something very powerful.  I AM IN CONTROL of how I see time.  So rather than being frustrated by time off, time away, wasted time, etc… I can choose to be present with the time I am in and the time I do have.  The day is filled with all sorts fo time opportunities.  Am I taking advantage of that, or am I choosing to complain and miss all of those windows of opportunities?  Something to chew on…

After all, we only get one shot at this thing called life.

Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33