This one’s tough… follow me for a min…

I’ve worked in 4 totally different industries.   Teaching & Coaching, Direct Sells, Corporate, and now as a company Chaplain.  Something I have observed over the years has a common theme.  NO MATTER the industry, dedication remains the same.

People who are dedicated are hard to explain.  It’s hard to understand something for someone else.  Someone dedicated to their craft only truly knows their own personal dedication level.  Some people are really good at doing “just enough”… getting by…  They are typically easily satisfied, cut corners, and expect others to get the job done.

Dedication looks like a job well done… even if takes a few times to get it done right.  Dedicated people are not too prideful to ask for help.  Dedicated people tend to see the big picture and not just how things effect them personally.  What I am talking about is rare.

BUT YOU CAN BE RARE!  You can stick out.  You can do a job the right way because that’s the right way to do things.  In fact.. IN SO MANY cases I am preaching to the choir.  So many of you reading this do an excellent job at the things you do.

I want to point out the guys in the shop for this example.  You hardly ever hear from them.  I check on them at least 2 times a week.  EVERYTIME I am in there those guys have a smile on their face and are getting things done.  And if they don’t like the outcome they do it again… and again… and again… until it is the best it can possibly be.  They get called out all over the roads and I NEVER hear them complain.  It’s really amazing.  What I realized after observing is that they are simply dedicated.  I’m really proud to be around those guys.  They challenge me and make me better.

I could go around the locations and say great things about you all. Those of you who are truly dedicated are rubbing off on those around you.  You are making others better.  AND THAT is something to be admired for.


Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33