Isn’t it crazy that the most simple, understood word in our vocabulary is also the one we point to most often when asked “what do we need to do better?”

Here’s why:


So it’s deeper than just “let’s over communicate”.  That helps,  but only goes so far.

How do you get better at communicating?  You take time to understand the people you are communicating with.  I already know what you are thinking…. THAT TAKES TIME…

ANSWER – YEP.. sure does.  And so does everything else in life that is worth doing the right way.

Instead of looking at it as time waste.  Look at is as time investment.  Miscommunication is already costing you time. Invest in the time it takes to understand others better and you begin to lose less time in miscommunication.

I realize this is a deep concept.  We have to understand that the creator of our world created each one of us.. and everyone else around us unique.  We are not all the same.

Start with this:

After you communicate something to someone, ask them to re-tell it back to you.  This is a great practice in any relationship… marriage, parenting, business conversations, with friends… saying “hey run that back to me so I know we are rock solid on this…”  IS A VERY SIMPLE EFFECTIVE WAY TO COMMUNICATE.. AND TO BETTER UNDERSTAND HOW THOSE AROUND YOU THINK.

Ultimately “communication” stems from the word community…  I can’t think of a better time than now when we’ve needed more unity amongst people.  It all starts with “seeking to understand vs seeking to be understood.”

This could unlock A LOT of success in your life!

Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33