4 principles of serving

1. Represent something bigger than yourself
2. Being willing to go where others fear to go
3. Use the tools you have
4. Humility

These are the principles a very notable Chaplain of the US Navy lives by.  When unpacked, each one is VERY powerful.

I like #4.  Humility is the opposite of Pride.  When I think about the times in life that I missed out on the best things it’s usually because my pride got in the way.  Pride is alot like a lid that is stuck on a jar.  There’s something in the jar that you want… but the lid just won’t budge.  Eventually, with the right grip and torque the lid comes right off.

The main reason this probably happens though is because we screwed the lid down too tight in the first place.. or we haven’t opened it in so long it’s almost glued itself shut.  So, instead of “trying harder”.  Just open more often!!  And when you put the lid on your life each day, leave a little wiggle room.  It is ok if what comes out isn’t perfect.


Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33



Ever been to a track meet? The UIL State Track Meet started yesterday and goes through Saturday. The hi-jump and pole vault are events where people compete until the highest clearance is declared the champion. The Summer Olympics are this summer too. Great time to let what I am about to tell you sink in…


What you will find is that the bar only goes up… NEVER GOES DOWN! After each competitor clears the bar at the rounds’ height the bar goes up 2 inches and the ones that made it are in, and the ones that didn’t are out. Pretty cut and dry.


Raise the bar a little at a time. It only moves up a couple inches each round, not a couple of feet. When you decide to change some things in your life, it helps when we make small corrections. Get some wins in the area of change then raise your bar… a little at a time. GET SOME WINS!!


It’s not the bar that actually goes up! The bar actually rests on two metal devices called “standards.”Standards ONLY GO UP – THEY NEVER GO DOWN! Once a standard is declared that’s what it is – A STANDARD. What happens in life too many times is that we let our standards go down.

Decide today that you will operate at a certain standard. At work, with your friends… most importantly with your family ESPECIALLY in parenting. Decide what your standard is, get some wins and then ONLY GO UP from there.



Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33

It’s yours for the take’n

A few years ago I was at a business event and the man presenting held up a crisp $100 dollar bill.  There was about 500 people in the crowd.  He said, “this is yours… who wants the money?”

People all over the room raised their hands, laughing, smiling… The man just stood there with it in his hand.  About a minute went by (which felt like an eternity) and a guy ran to the front of the room and took the money.  The presenter freely gave it to him.  The whole room got silent.  All he was doing was waiting for someone to decide.

In a lot of ways this is how God works… Except His gifts are so much more extravagant than dollars.  First, He offers an eternal salvation.  A literal invitation to heaven once we leave this earth.  It’s a free gift.  There’s nothing we can do to “earn it”.  Just receive.  Second, He offers freedom.  Freedom from the tormenting shame of fear, rejection, anger, addiction, bitterness, offense, control… and the list goes on.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit it is possible to go from someone who is tormented by everything I just mentioned above, to someone that is no longer in bondage to those things.  I used to think this was impossible!! Then I experienced it fully… and have witnessed countless others do the same.

In a world filled with envy and hate, division and pain, fear and uncertainty… there’s never been a better time to stand up and go grab the gift!!

Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33

Clogged up?

After visiting the guys in Sweetwater today I followed Justin Agerton out to the Boyd for a disposal tutorial.  He was showing me what all you had to do to unclog a pump.  Like many of you know, this isn’t as simple as digging your kids hair out of the sink drain.

After I left I got to thinking about what happens in life when we get clogged up.  In the book of Matthew, chapter 6 vs 14 Jesus says, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”


Think of it like this.  Me and you.. we are the pipe.  Things are flowing through us all the time.  When someone does something wrong to us it sort of clogs us up inside.  If we aren’t careful we will let it stew and overtime it builds up.  Just like the junk in this filter.  In Justin’s case today, he removed the filter and scraped the junk off in to the trash can and the fluids starting flowing normal again.  Our scraper tool is “forgiveness.”  Forgiveness makes way for our life to start flowing again.

So if you feel clogged up inside, take the seal off, open your heart with honesty about what’s got you clogged up.  FORGIVE whoever caused you this pain and make room for God to flow through you.  CLEAN YOUR FILTER!! You can’t be at your best if your fluids ain’t flowing.  If you don’t unclog the pipe – the pump will burn up, everything will spill out and you will have a mess on your hands that you likely can’t handle… IT WILL COST YOU.

Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33


It’s been awhile…

I know most of you reading this have had some struggling times over the last few months. I realize that our economy has taken a fairly large hit and that it has directly impacted each and every one of you… myself included.

In a conversation with a good friend of mine I was reminded about how God really does have a plan.  And that He has some specific timings in mind with some of His biggest moves.  And most importantly, He has a specific plan for me (you too).

All of this being said we hold a very important key.   That key is called perspective.  While we are in an economic downturn it’s up to each one of us to find our own positive perspectives.  The truth is that none of us really see things exactly the same way.  The best truth is that THAT’S OKAY!!!  It’s actually by design.   But as I look at my own life, and you look at yours, are we looking at “time” as something we are frustrated with or something we are eager about?

Recently I realized something very powerful.  I AM IN CONTROL of how I see time.  So rather than being frustrated by time off, time away, wasted time, etc… I can choose to be present with the time I am in and the time I do have.  The day is filled with all sorts fo time opportunities.  Am I taking advantage of that, or am I choosing to complain and miss all of those windows of opportunities?  Something to chew on…

After all, we only get one shot at this thing called life.

Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33




Honesty – Generosity – Respect – Unity

…a new perspective.


I love to get to serve in a company where people are honest.  Typically the thing that would keep anyone from being honest would be the fear of getting in trouble.  These past few months have been difficult on everyone in the world.  I have seen more honest conversations happen since March than I have in many years combined.  And I know all of you have had a moment where you had to take an honest look at your own personal lives.  What a commendable thing!  I’m proud to be associated with all of you.


Hats off to all of you!  Everyone at DT has been stretched thin.  What I have seen though is many people willing to step in and be generous.  Generosity typically is tied to money.  But I am talking about a generosity where so many of you have stepped up, sacrificed time or maybe a skill to ensure that as a company we continue to bounce back.  I’m proud to be associated with all of you.


100% of us have been effected by the things of the world that not one of us can control.  And all the while, I’ve seen people continue to respect the oil field industry.  I grew up a truck driver’s son.  I’ve seen my dad handle all the ups and down.  One thing I always noticed was that he and his buddies that made it through tough times – RESPECTED the industry.  You are all alot alike. You know it’s part of territory.  I’ve seen a group of people here that respect the oil field.  Doesn’t mean we always have to agree with it.. that’s a different story.  I’m proud to be associated with all of you.


Unity might be the most difficult topic.  BUT MAN!  I am telling you, all across the board I have seen pockets of people inside of our company come together like never before.  That does not mean this has been easy, or that it will ever get easy.  Always remember this, the EASY thing to do is to follow the popular opinions of the worlds culture.  Our world screams division.  All the while I have seen people here work against the grain.  Takes a real man/woman to do that.  It takes humility to be counter-cultural.  I’m proud to be associated with all of you.

Expect to Win,

Zach Vassar l Company Coach
Matthew 6:33